Realia in the Semantic Frame “Nature” in Spanish-Russian and Spanish-English Translations of G. Márquez One Hundred Years of Solitude

by Kira Tarasova

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Department of Linguistics and Cross-cultural Communication


The paper deals with the techniques of translating the realia referred to frame “nature” in translations of the novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by G. Márquez. The study examines the translations of the novel from Spanish into Russian by N. Butyrina and V. Stolbov and the translation by M. Bylinkina as well as the translation from Spanish into English by G. Rabassa. The main techniques of translating realia, referred to “nature” frame, are pointed out (transcription, loan translation, approximate translation). The most successful translation solutions are analyzed.

Key words: realia, semantic frame, transcription, loan translation, approximate translation