Issue 8

Взаимодействие механизмов PR и публичной дипломатии в процессе формирования имиджа современного государства

Взаимодействие механизмов PR и публичной дипломатии в процессе формирования имиджа современного государства Софья Калашьян Московский Государственный Университет имени М.В. Ломоносова Факультет иностранных языков и регионоведения Аннотация Расширение контактов между государствами привело к условиям, в которых имидж страны в глазах общественности, как нового адресата коммуникации, начал играть значимую роль на мировой арене. Вследствие этого был(…)

Emotional intelligence studies in the UK, the USA and Russia

Emotional intelligence studies in the UK, the USA and Russia by Anastasia Mitrofanova Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies Abstract The work focuses on the concept of emotional intelligence (EI) in the area of language teaching. Even though considerable attention has been given to the studies of teachers’ EI,(…)

Developing Trainee Teachers’ Gender-Neutral Behaviour Strategies

Developing Trainee Teachers’ Gender-Neutral Behaviour Strategies by Anna Kolushkina Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies Abstract The topic under discussion is the phenomenon of gender-neutral language in the English-speaking world and the number of strategies that can help future English teachers to avoid problems provided by the lack of(…)

Communicative Strategies for Conflict Resolution in a University EFL Classroom

Communicative Strategies for Conflict Resolution in a University EFL Classroom by Anastasiia Kovalenkova Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies Abstract This article focuses on typical behavior in conflict situations in the university EFL classroom and on the actions that a teacher can undertake to prevent and resolve conflict effectively.(…)